The broadcast / live video links have been moved to a dedicated page:
I’ve started making playlists on YouTube that feature specific players (I no longer have access to that YouTube account, so the playlists are not be updating, look for the Daily Racquetball channel instead.)
Cristina Amaya
Alvaro Beltran
Jake Bredenbeck
David “Bobby” Horn
Sudsy Monchik
and 54 others….
Other video archives include:
Hosted on YouTube:
Racquetball Warehouse
World Racquetball Tour
Recreation ATL
Racquetball Association of Michigan
Racquetball IsNotACrime
Head Elite Florida
Irish Racquetball
Hosted on EnetLive
Ektelon TV starring Pro Racquetball Academy
Hosted on Livestream:
USA Racquetball
Solomon Racquet & Sports