Georgia State Doubles completed this weekend at Emory University. I’m not a big fan of playing there. Everything feels very crowded, there is only one way upstairs to the viewing area, and the restrooms/locker rooms are in a completely different level and area of the complex. One of my biggest pet peeves about the courts there are the ceilings though. The front half of the ceiling is concrete and the back half is the kind of drop ceiling that you would see in an office building. A number of shots that would make it to the front wall in an all panel court or an all concrete court end up short on these courts.
The opponents were great! Good players with good attitudes making great plays.
The next step for doubles is the regional event at the end of January.
January 29-31, 2016
Regional Doubles Championship at Recreation ATL
Coincidentally, Fran Davis published a post about doubles shot selection that is fairly timely for those that will be playing at that event or at national doubles in February.
February 10-14, 2016
USRA National Doubles Championship at Arizona State University